Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

Dyno Celtic toys for research to making good toys, & Exhibition try out in Surabaya

now we still doing some research, making 3", 12" Dyno Celtic, we need more than one month to learn about how to mix the material, like resin, gips, met, catalist, acrilic paint and more, and we learn about how to making some good and proper shape from head, body to the foot, how to molding to making perfect shape, and at the end calculating the production cost budget for 1 pcs of 12" toys, this the important thing after we didn't didn;t do anything with this side, like calculating and numbering (F***) I hate this part actually.

this Celtic Dyno will be exhibit in this Saturday January 19th, 2008 Surabaya in CCCL Auditorium (French Alliance Jalan Darmokali Surabaya), in this exhibition also perform pop folk Band from Jakarta Ballads Of The Cliche.
I hope this first exhibition can give some people in Surabaya new inspiration for some people in Surabaya and making people more appreciated to urban sculpture and 3D artwork like urban toys etc, and learn more about what is this sculpture

this exhibition supported by Rotten Apple, Monikceltic, Ballads Of The Cliche and CCCL Surabaya

*pic will be upload after the exhibition


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About Me me and me

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Hi My Name is Jouwe, I'm a half Human, with little bit Rino character, Half Egg with big tummy